Fact AND Fiction

Some books are fact–they literally happened. Some books are fiction–where the words and the characters and the story idea all come from a writer’s mind. But what happens when a book is fact AND fiction? That’s exactly the situation I found myself in when I wrote my newest release in my Allison Quinn Thriller series. This book is definitely fiction. …

Pull Quotes

I had so much fun going through the final edits of my May release, Veil of Destruction. By the time I receive a book back from my editor and my proofreaders, it’s been several months since I finished writing it. I’ve usually written at least one other book in that time. So re-reading what has been edited and proofread is …

Falling to Pieces

Wednesday’s Spotlight: Falling to Pieces Since I spotlight Christian fiction on Wednesdays, I suppose it’s okay to spotlight my own! Falling to Pieces is now available and in-stock at both Amazon and BarnesandNoble, and it should be appearing at your local bookstore any day as well. Great! Book’s written. People can read it. Reviews are good (see the REVIEWS tab at the …