Series Conclusion

I am so excited to announce the release of the final book in the Allison Quinn series, Oath of Allegiance. When I first conceived this series I had a broad concept of what I wanted, but very few particulars. I knew I wanted to delve into the many ways cyberattacks can and do affect our nation. I wanted a heroine …

A New Year…

…and a new genre. How are you feeling about 2025? I’m feeling good. As I explained to a group of friends the other night, “I’m learning to be okay with being clueless.” It’s true. I walk around a lot, murmuring, “What is happening?” and not letting it make me tense. It’s a skill I’m trying to perfect. So what is …

A New Amish Romance

I’m so happy to announce the release of book 5 in my Indiana Amish Market series, A Courtship for the Amish Spinster. This series follows the story of widower, Amos Yoder and his five daughters. While it is traditional Amish romance in once sense, in another sense it’s something quite different. During my times visiting Amish communities in Indiana, Ohio, …

A New Release

I’m so excited to announce that Veil of Hope is now available in paperback (ebook releases on 9-24-24). As you can tell from the title, the folks from Alpine seem to be turning the corner. Unfortunately, it’s a rough ride. I thought I’d do a little Q&A regarding this release. Q: Do I need to have read all the other …

Welcome Back!

I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you back to my webpage, or if this is your first visit here, welcome for the first time. With the popularity of social media sites, many businesses are wondering if it’s worth having a webpage. I think it is. I like that I can reach out to everyone, regardless of what social …

Things I Love About Texas

If you’ve been to Texas, raise your hand. I am sure that every person thinks THEIR state is the best state. It’s good to love where you’re from. Right? I’m actually from California, but I’ve been in Texas a very long time. This month I thought I’d share a list of what I love about the Lone Star State, beginning …

Books, Books & …

And more books! I love books. I love them in all sizes and shapes … and formats. When you’ve been published for a while, yes-that means I’m oldER than when I started this gig, you start seeing your books published in a variety of formats. That last one is fun. In the last few years I’ve become a real fan …

Year of Jubilee

I’m so excited to be in 2024. I’ve always liked new years, new calendars, fresh starts. And this year is especially sweet. I’ve decided to dub this year my “year of jubilee.” Do you remember that story in the Bible? I found this: According to regulations found in the Book of Leviticus, certain indentured servants would be released from servitude, …

Fact AND Fiction

Some books are fact–they literally happened. Some books are fiction–where the words and the characters and the story idea all come from a writer’s mind. But what happens when a book is fact AND fiction? That’s exactly the situation I found myself in when I wrote my newest release in my Allison Quinn Thriller series. This book is definitely fiction. …