Things I Love About Texas

If you’ve been to Texas, raise your hand. I am sure that every person thinks THEIR state is the best state. It’s good to love where you’re from. Right? I’m actually from California, but I’ve been in Texas a very long time. This month I thought I’d share a list of what I love about the Lone Star State, beginning …

Books, Books & …

And more books! I love books. I love them in all sizes and shapes … and formats. When you’ve been published for a while, yes-that means I’m oldER than when I started this gig, you start seeing your books published in a variety of formats. That last one is fun. In the last few years I’ve become a real fan …

Year of Jubilee

I’m so excited to be in 2024. I’ve always liked new years, new calendars, fresh starts. And this year is especially sweet. I’ve decided to dub this year my “year of jubilee.” Do you remember that story in the Bible? I found this: According to regulations found in the Book of Leviticus, certain indentured servants would be released from servitude, …

Fact AND Fiction

Some books are fact–they literally happened. Some books are fiction–where the words and the characters and the story idea all come from a writer’s mind. But what happens when a book is fact AND fiction? That’s exactly the situation I found myself in when I wrote my newest release in my Allison Quinn Thriller series. This book is definitely fiction. …

Tough Times . . .

Let’s see if you’ve heard any of these. “Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~Robert H. Schuller “You’ve got to stay strong to be strong in tough times.” ~Tilman J. Fertita “I think most art comes out of poverty and hard times.” ~Willie Nelson I’ll bet you can think of a few more to add to this list. …

A Shade Tree, A Creek, & A Book

Raise your hand if you were raised in the south with no air conditioning. Haha. I’m sure I’m not the only one. We didn’t have air conditioning at home–or at school–or in the car. I think about that at least once a day, since Texas is currently melting under 100+ temperatures. We survived though. Somehow. And mom wouldn’t let us …

Back to the Classroom

It’s true. I’ve accepted a half-time teaching position. Beach time is over my friends. Okay, I was only at the beach for 4 days, but you get my meaning. Life is about to get busy! So am I still going to write books? You bet, I am! I’ll still have half a day. What do you think I’d spend that …

How Do You Feel About Flowers?

As a writer, I need things to do that don’t require sitting in front of a computer. I knit. I quilt a little. I love to play in the garden. But Good Golly Miss Molly, it’s hard to maintain flowers in Texas. It involves so much watering. At first it’s every other day. Then it’s every day. Then it’s twice …

Pull Quotes

I had so much fun going through the final edits of my May release, Veil of Destruction. By the time I receive a book back from my editor and my proofreaders, it’s been several months since I finished writing it. I’ve usually written at least one other book in that time. So re-reading what has been edited and proofread is …