Falling to Pieces

Wednesday’s Spotlight: Falling to Pieces

Since I spotlight Christian fiction on Wednesdays, I suppose it’s okay to spotlight my own! Falling to Pieces is now available and in-stock at both Amazon and BarnesandNoble, and it should be appearing at your local bookstore any day as well.

Great! Book’s written. People can read it. Reviews are good (see the REVIEWS tab at the top). But the real reason, I’m posting about my book today is because of the video Zondervan created below. Now don’t be frightened by the expression on my face. I think they caught me mid-sentence, or perhaps as they were taking away a piece of pie … I’m KIDDING.


We did shoot this video in Shipshewana, and as you can tell much of it was done at Lolly’s. A big thank you goes out to everyone in Shipshe who allowed us the use of their facilities, as well as the fine folks at Zondervan who did the filming. I hope you enjoy a look into my thoughts behind the writing of Falling to Pieces, as well as a chance to see the REAL setting of Deborah and Callie’s lives.


p.s. I will be doing quite a few book signings over the next 10 weeks, including the Amish Holiday Country Book Tour. See the JOIN ME tab for more details regarding all book signings and blog stops.

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