How I Write a Book

Have you ever wondered how an author goes about writing a book? I thought today I’d share my process. Of course there are as many different ways to write a book as there are different authors, but this process has worked for me for 12 years, so I’ll probably be sticking with it. 1.) If you’re writing for a traditional …

Literary Agents

I consider myself very fortunate as a writer. I’ve had a literary agent since my first days of writing back in 2009. Of course, I went through a lot of rejection before that agent and I found one another. Still, it was a good experience, and I learned a lot from her. A few years later, I felt that I …

The Amish Christmas Secret, by Vannetta Chapman

New Amish Release

Howdy friends. If you’re wondering why it’s been a while since you heard from me, I’ve been having major website problems. Ack! I’m hoping you receive this, but it would help me tremendously if you commented below so that I know it’s going out to everyone. So what’s this about a new release? Yes! The Amish Christmas Secret released earlier this month, …

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Amish School

With school starting back in most areas, I thought I’d share with you a few things I’ve learned about Amish schools. School are still mostly one-room schoolhouses. A local farm will donate a corner of the property and families within 1-2 miles will help to build the structure as well as pay for the teacher’s salary (which is small). Remember, …

Reader Question: The Amish and Genetic Diseases

We had an awesome discussion during our last post regarding the Amish and their general health. If you missed that, you can read it here. Many of you followed up with this question: Don’t the Amish deal with a higher incidence of genetic diseases?  That’s a good question, and I’m sure knowledgeable people have written entire books analyzing the topic. I’ll …