Easter Memories

Isn’t this picture adorable? Can you guess which one I am? Clue: I’m not really paying attention. Ha! I’m the youngest, in the hat, staring at something to my left. I love this picture of me and my siblings. It reminds me of a simpler time. Plus, it makes me curious. What is my brother mad about? Having to wear …

March Madness

You get the general gist. I think this could be fun! I’m not a big basketball watcher myself. They go up the court. They go down the court. In the last minute of the game (which takes 10-15 minutes to play), the score is usually tied. And all those free throws. I’ve never made a free throw myself (I throw …

The Things We Love

February is the month of love. Well, come on now. ALL months are months of love, but you know what I mean. Let’s talk about the things we love. I’ll start. It’s not so hard to come up with a list of things you love. It’s the things and people that make you smile, that make your heart feel light, …


I’ve been taking a rather informal poll to see how many people have a new year’s resolution. Turns out…not that many. I guess it’s out of fashion. I get it. Maybe it hasn’t worked for us in the past, so we say, “I’m not falling for that again.” I’ve always liked resolutions though. I like new years and new months. …

Virtual Book Store

As an author, I’m always searching for new ways to connect with readers. One thing I’ve heard again and again is that you’d like to be able to purchase autographed, print copies. Voila! May I present the VC Book Store. Of course, I don’t have all 40+ books in my personal warehouse, but I do have a few of them …

Deciding Where to Put Your Books

Sometimes readers will ask why a book is available at one store or website and not another. Great question! If your book is published by a traditional publisher, the publisher makes this decision. They have contracts for shelf space in certain stores. For example, my Love Inspired books are carried in most Walmart stores. That’s nice! I love that. I …

Writing, Deadlines and Stress

I see a lot of writers talking about deadlines and stress. In fact, I see and hear a lot of people admitting to feeling stressed in general, so I thought we’d talk about that for a minute. I don’t mind deadlines personally. They give me a date to finish something, which is good. Otherwise I might take forever. One way …

The Amish and Minimalism

I recently wrote a guest blog for my friend Joshua Becker. You can read the blog here. Joshua is a big minimalism proponent. I’ve taken his classes and read his books. He’s awesome. I like his perspective on things. I like that he says “minimalism looks different for everyone.” Most of Joshua’s readers are not familiar with the Amish, but …

Proposal Writing

Just so you know that being an author isn’t all about book releases and eating chocolate bars, I thought that I’d give you a peek into the world of writing a proposal. Generally, when you write a proposal you write the first 3 chapters (about 50 pages) and a rather detailed synopsis. I want you to picture a ROOT CANAL …