Year of Jubilee
I’m so excited to be in 2024. I’ve always liked new years, new calendars, fresh starts. And this year is especially sweet. I’ve decided to dub this year my “year of jubilee.” Do you remember that story in the Bible? I found this:
According to regulations found in the Book of Leviticus, certain indentured servants would be released from servitude, some debts would be forgiven, and everyone was supposed to return to their own property in jubilee years.
I like the sound of that. Okay, I’m not an indentured servant. I wouldn’t mind my debts being forgiven, and I’m not sure where I’d return to. But seriously, I like the idea of taking a deep breath, considering the past and the future, and resting.

Which does NOT mean you won’t have new books to read.
I’ll still have 2 Love Inspired books release this year, plus boxed sets, audio releases, and hopefully another Alpine book or two. Possibly another Allison Quinn. Yeah, my idea of rest is rather skewed. However, I do plan on lightening up on the deadlines a bit. Write as I can. Rest when I need to. Spend time with family.
Jubilee. It has a nice ring to it.
What about you? Ever need a break? Tell me about it. Leave a comment below, and I’ll choose 3 winners for a $10 Amazon gift card. (Winners will be announced in my Feb. newsletter.)
Comments 38
Good morning Vannetta. Hope you enjoyed your Christmas and everyone is well. I enjoy your books tremendously. Thank you so much for the freebies in the newsletter. Till next time. God bless.
Every little while I just want to relax for a day, hang around in my pj’s and spend the day reading or puttering around at home. Then I’m ready to go out and about again the next day.
Happy New Year! 😊
When I was younger and worked long days I needed a break so badly. Life was stressful, very busy and there never seemed to be enough hours in the day. Going on occasional ladies retreats with church friends was a welcome slow down. Now that I’m retired and have moved far from the place we lived for 40 years I find the days empty and my circle is very small with little to do. I think I prefer the busy life.
I like your idea of “rest when I need to”. I think too many of us do not fully rest. It’s not just physical rest but mental rest too.
After reading Christmas at Pebble Creek, I decided to read the series starting with A Promise For Miriam. I’m now reading A Home For Lydia, which is even more intriguing. Looking forward to the next book.
Hello Vannetta! Wishing you, Dave and your pets a great 2024!! Keep up the brilliant writing! I am amazed at the stories you pen and get so absorbed into them!! Here’s to the next bestseller 🥂!!
I love spending time with my family, but, there are times when I do need a break. On those times I can’t or don’t want to leave the house, I just pick up a book from one of my favorite writers, Vannetta, and I am instantly transported into the book I’m reading. I can “travel” to all kinds of places and “meet” lots of people. Thank you, Vannetta, for sharing your wonderful talent of writing with us. I truly enjoy all your books. God richly bless you!
Everyone needs a break now and then.
Mine will be soon for a much-needed vacation.
The last time we had one was 11 years ago.
The countdown has begun.
My break is doing my artwork 🎨
I have enjoyed every one of your books I have read so far. Waiting for the last book in the Kessler Effect series so that I can read the whole series together. Hope you continue with these kind of stories.
Enjoy all your books. Full of action and awesome characters. Happy New Year
Looking forward to reading “Hidden”!
Thank you so much for the freebie!
I have loved all the books I have read of yours. I even won your book An Unusual Amish Winter Match in a giveaway before Christmas.
Happy New Year Vannetta. I always love your newsletter updates. I could use a break. I am in the midst of cancer journey three. This week I have seen 4 doctors and 2 others for radiation planning that starts next week. I am looking forward to resting and reading. Blessings! I enjoy Agatha’s adventures .
Sorry to hear you’re going through this Maryann. Sending prayers your way. 🙏
I’m an introvert, so I definitely need a break when I’ve had too much “social time.” I love days where there is nothing on my calendar, so I can just read and work on jigsaw puzzles. I really look forward to those days of relaxation.
I love spending time with my family, but I do need breaks to recharge. I read to relax. 🙂
I am retired so I get plenty of breaks. Contrary to the saying “I’m busier now than when I retired,” I am certainly not busier (by choice).
I remember the days, though, when I definitely needed some time to myself after a day of work, school activities, night meetings, etc.
Thank you for encouraging words. I love the thought of jubilee! I am just grateful for the freedom of sins. God is so good. I am looking forward to more good books this coming year. Blessings to you in 2024!
It’s nice to have a break to just read all day or be home and not have to get out. Especially in the cold weather. I enjoy your books. Happy New Year! Thank you!
Happy new year, Vannetta,
Oh, yes, breaks are necessary. Good for you in prioritizing that! 🙂 May your 2024 unfold exactly as you desire.
After a day of non stop cleaning and cooking I take out a book.puzzle or a magazine and shut out the world.
Hi Vannetta! I love the idea of the Jubilee! I hope you can get lots of needed rest and most importantly, quality time spent with your family! I do need and enjoy taking breaks once in a while, although it’s never as often as I would like. I tend to accumulate stress and sometimes I think I’m going to explode if I don’t release all my pent up stress. Lately I’ve been swimming twice a week, and that has helped so much! I enjoy having time to read good books. That relaxes me so much! Thanks for the chance!
Jubilee and time for me sounds so good especially if I could go someplace warm and take long walks and read. We can always dream.
I live on top of a mountain in Colorado so I escape from everything every day.
Happy New Year, Vannetta! I love the idea of Jubilee years. Some people I know have used the occasion of their 50th birthdays as their jubilee year. I have felt the need for a year of scaling back, which I feel I did when I was able to retire 3 years ago. Finally after this third year of retirement, I have been exploring the freedom of being able to say “NO” to certain things. I am a people pleaser by nature, so this doesn’t come easily to me. In a way, doing this has been cathartic, and I have felt a relief in being more careful of the things I say yes to.
I’m retired so I take breaks when I want! My breaks are working outside!!
After my supper meal I like to go and watch a movie or a TV rerun and read a book or catch up with my magazines.
I try to read a book a week, but I enjoy working on jig saw puzzles, so I divide my time between the two. That leaves time for house cleaning, cooking, laundry, and church activities. So for this New Year I will try to enjoy a lot of other things in my days. I can’t forget to add family’s doings also ( I need more hours in a day). So here to a wonderful new year!
No need to divide your time between books and working puzzles. You can listen to audiobooks while you do puzzles. I have bluetooth hearing aids, but you can do earbuds or a speaker. I read 182 books this past year by listening to audiobooks when I do sudoku, crosswords and other online games or puzzles. I also listen to books when I clean, do chores or run errands. It’s a game changer! Audiobooks also bring the story to life when the reader is really good, and some even do different voices for different characters. I still read actual physical books and ebooks, too….but audiobooks are so entertaining, I’m doing the more and more them. You should try it!
Reading ,watching television or doing a puzzle or playing a game is my relaxation after a hectic and busy day.
This is interesting. I think I have heard about this but forgot. Thanks for sharing. All day we have been under a winter watch. We have gotten at least fifteen inches of snow in one day. Keeping the men busy for sure. I see how they are helping each other and it is wonderful to see.
I need a big break from health issues. And the butter cold hitting for January
Yes sometimes we need a break to relax and just read one of your good books!
I love this idea of jubilee, of taking a breath and a break and starting fresh. *sigh*
2023 was a year I had to remake myself. That was a lot of stress. I am resting in the hope that this year will be more settled.
I try to take small breaks throughout the day: reading, working on a jigsaw puzzle or a craft.
I love your musings, thanks for sharing. “Jubilee” does have such a nice ring to it, it feels like a celebration of personal peace. The whole thing just feels good and I hope we all can practice it and accept that we are worthy to do so. Here’s to 2024.