VC Book Spotlight, Christmas

asacChristmas Books, VC Book Spotlight

I thought I’d spend the next few weeks introducing some of my writing to you wonderful folks who stop by my blog. If you’ve been here all along, you’ll be familiar with most of these. If you’re new, then you might find something you didn’t know about. Either way, I hope you enjoy the spotlights.

Who doesn’t love a good Christmas story? A Simple Amish Christmas was the first Amish book I published. At the time, I hadn’t visited an Amish community yet, but I did a lot of research. Also, many of my author friends helped me with questions. I was quite humbled by the reception you all gave this book. It’s the story of a girl who loves her family and community and faith, but longs for something more. How does God reconcile the longings of her heart with the facts of her life? That’s the story of Annie, and I hope you enjoy it.

xmas quilt, newslA Simple Amish Christmas far surpassed the publisher’s expectations, and they asked me to write a sequel. They were coming out with a new line of books called the Quilts of Love series, and they thought another story about Annie would fit right in. When I began writing The Christmas Quilt, I was a little lost. I didn’t know how to write an entire story based on the making of a quilt. Then at church one day my pastor spoke on the 9 fruits of the spirit. I was writing about a 9 patch quilt! BINGO! I had my story. The rest is … fictional history.

I’m very grateful to everyone who has written me about these two books and the impact it had on their lives. If you haven’t tried either one, now is a great time to pick up a Christmas book! It’s a time of year I love–it speaks of family and love and the birth of our Savior.



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