Myth Buster #2

Amish View: Myth Buster #2

To celebrate the upcoming launch of my series set in Shipshewana, Indiana (9-27-11) we are doing some Amish MYTH BUSTING. I certainly had a few preconceived notions about the Amish community before my first visit to this small town, but like most of us … stereotypes don’t always fit! Disclaimer: My experience may be different from yours or from other books you have read. Now on to our Myth Busting. : )

Myth Buster #2: Amish Homes

When I began writing Falling to Pieces I suppose I envisioned something like the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder. You know–log cabin in the woods, no electricity or plumbing, and possibly a dirt floor. Okay, I’m kidding about the dirt floor.  When I visited Shipshe in June of 2010, I was in for a big surprise.

In some ways Amish homes were no different from mine. LOOK at this picture–windows, a door, even a trampoline for the kids! WHAT was I expecting? This lovely family allowed us to walk at their dairy operation and also took us through their gardens.

We had dinner with another family in Shipshe and  the  inside of their home was pretty much like mine. Small things were different–the counters were uncluttered, no pictures on the walls, no WALL SWITCHES (ha ha), no ceiling lights. But there was a hook over the dining room table where they hang their lantern.

A gas stove and a gas refrigerator produced a great dinner. When I checked the bathroom out… it was normal! I resisted trying to take a bath, since we were only there for dinner. It might have seemed odd.

Basically the Amish homes I visited were simple country homes, same as we have in Texas … minus the electric bill. MYTH BUSTED!


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