Fact AND Fiction

Some books are fact–they literally happened. Some books are fiction–where the words and the characters and the story idea all come from a writer’s mind. But what happens when a book is fact AND fiction? That’s exactly the situation I found myself in when I wrote my newest release in my Allison Quinn Thriller series. This book is definitely fiction. …

March Madness

You get the general gist. I think this could be fun! I’m not a big basketball watcher myself. They go up the court. They go down the court. In the last minute of the game (which takes 10-15 minutes to play), the score is usually tied. And all those free throws. I’ve never made a free throw myself (I throw …

Deciding Where to Put Your Books

Sometimes readers will ask why a book is available at one store or website and not another. Great question! If your book is published by a traditional publisher, the publisher makes this decision. They have contracts for shelf space in certain stores. For example, my Love Inspired books are carried in most Walmart stores. That’s nice! I love that. I …

Proposal Writing

Just so you know that being an author isn’t all about book releases and eating chocolate bars, I thought that I’d give you a peek into the world of writing a proposal. Generally, when you write a proposal you write the first 3 chapters (about 50 pages) and a rather detailed synopsis. I want you to picture a ROOT CANAL …