Amish Schools

My Setting – Amish Schools  I’m so excited that copies of A Promise for Miriam have begun showing up in mailboxes. Technically, it won’t be in all stores, until July 1, but we’re shipping early. Yeah! As you probably know by now, the main character of this story, Miriam King, is an Amish teacher. So I thought we’d start our Saturday …

A Promise for Miriam

Release of A Promise for Miriam It’s here! A Promise for Miriam is now available at Christian Book Distributors. CBD is who Christian publishers use to distribute books to Amazon, B&N and your local independent bookstores. Miriam should be at your local store a few weeks earlier than we thought. Yeah! So what’s it about? You can read the blurb …

Amish Life – Places We Like

Places We Like … Amish Life Another question I asked you a few weeks ago is where you would like to visit, where you would go to see the Amish if you could take a trip. I like trips! It’s fun to go somewhere different and see how people live. Here are your answers. Pennsylvania Ohio Indiana Florida Missouri There …

A Perfect Square

Special Announcement: A Perfect Square A Perfect Square is available beginning today in ebook format! WooHoo! It’s like the birth of a child. I’m so stinking excited that hubby is worried about me. He’s gently removing the coffee cup from my hands. : )- This is Book 2 in my Shipshewana series. (No-you don’t HAVE to reaad them in order.) This IS a cozy …

Amish Gardening, part 3

All Things Amish–Gardening, part 3 March and gardening seems like a real possibility now. Right? This is one of my favorite pictures from my visits to Amish farms. There’s a LOT in this picture–there’s an entire story in this picture. I’ll even admit that THIS picture was the inspiration for Esther’s garden in my Shipshewana series. Isn’t the giant ball …

Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana

All Things Amish–Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana Blue Gate Restaurant is a special place in Shipshewana, and it’s special for several reasons. It’s a memorable place to stop and eat–and yes, I’m talking Amish food. It also is home to a remarkable theater which this year is hosting talent ranging from Amy Grant to plays such as Beverly Lewis’ The …

Menno-Hof in Shipshewana

All Things Amish–Menno-Hof in Shipshewana When you visit Shipshewana, one of the first things you notice is the big red barn on South Van Buren as you’re driving through town. The Menno-Hof was actually built in a traditional barn-raising with the help of local the local Amish and Mennonite communities. I was in Shipshe the last 2 summers to research my books, Falling …