Amish Hymns

Mid-week Inspiration and Amish Hymns The more I learn about the Amish, the more I find we have in common. When I was in Wisconsin doing research, I came across this small song book for Amish services. Now, I doubt that many of those folks need to look at the song book! But

Amish Weddings

Weddings in Amish Communities I first visited Cashton, Wisconsin two summers ago. Being from Texas, I was stunned to see so much green! The countryside is truly spectacular. We stayed at Amil’s Inn Bed & Breakfast. The owner, Anita, had lived in the area for quite some time and knew a lot of the Amish families. She was happy to take …

Cashton Wisconsin

All Things Amish – Cashton Wisconsin I have a confession to make. I’ve been holding out on you! While I was searching through my storage room (aka, bedroom closet), I found an entire tub full of items from Cashton, Wisconsin. Cashton is the setting for my Pebble Creek series. When I visited there 2 summers ago, I bought lots of …

Amish Pictures

Mid-week Inspiration, Amish Pictures Pictures have a way of inspiring me. I love them! Recently I was contacted by a Facebook friend, Don Burke. He and his wife had visited 3 Amish communities so far this summer (Mt. Hope, OH; Arthur, IL and Jamesport, MO). He knew I had an interest in Amish pictures, especially Amish schoolhouses and he sent …

Amish Weddings

All Things Amish, and Amish Weddings I had so much fun researching for my current release, A Wedding for Julia. If you’ve read the story, you know the opening scene is actually a funeral. I haven’t attended an Amish funeral, so that took a lot of research on my part. I also haven’t attended an Amish wedding! So how does …

Amish vs Mennonite

Differences Between Amish and Mennonite While I was signing books at the Brownfield Quilt Show, a Mennonite family walked in. They were very interested in the scrap fabrics and the patterns. In fact, this mom and 2 daughters came to the quilt show both days. As far as I know, there are no longer any Amish communities in Texas. We’ve

Healing, the Amish Way

The Amish Way of Healing What a terrible week for news, what a heartbreaking time for our nation. My husband and I were camping in the Texas panhandle, when we heard about the bombings in Boston. We were barely home when the explosion in West,

Gardening the Amish Way

Amish Life and Gardening, part 2 Pick up one of my books, and you’re bound to find a gardening scene. Why? Because every time I’ve been to Amish country, I’ve seen folks gardening. Doesn’t matter whether it’s spring, summer or fall, families are out working in their gardens. Last week I shared with you gardening tips from some of my …

Easter and Amish Hymns

Amish Hymns and Easter Celebrations I thought I’d share with you a hymn from an Amish hymnal I picked up while in Wisconsin. It’s not like the hymnals at my church. It’s a little stapled together 50 page thing. The cover says, “Ninety-eight Selection Songs, Addition to Church and Sunday School Hymnals.” The Amish don’t have instruments in their church …

Amish Holidays

Holidays in an Amish Household It is amazing to me how many people love to read books about the Amish. One of the most frequent emails I receive is, “I love their simple lifestyle.” There’s something about slowing down and focusing on what is important that appeals to us. Do the Amish celebrate Thanksgiving? Yes! The communities and families I …