Deciding Where to Put Your Books

Sometimes readers will ask why a book is available at one store or website and not another. Great question! If your book is published by a traditional publisher, the publisher makes this decision. They have contracts for shelf space in certain stores. For example, my Love Inspired books are carried in most Walmart stores. That’s nice! I love that. I …

Writing, Deadlines and Stress

I see a lot of writers talking about deadlines and stress. In fact, I see and hear a lot of people admitting to feeling stressed in general, so I thought we’d talk about that for a minute. I don’t mind deadlines personally. They give me a date to finish something, which is good. Otherwise I might take forever. One way …

The Amish and Minimalism

I recently wrote a guest blog for my friend Joshua Becker. You can read the blog here. Joshua is a big minimalism proponent. I’ve taken his classes and read his books. He’s awesome. I like his perspective on things. I like that he says “minimalism looks different for everyone.” Most of Joshua’s readers are not familiar with the Amish, but …

Proposal Writing

Just so you know that being an author isn’t all about book releases and eating chocolate bars, I thought that I’d give you a peek into the world of writing a proposal. Generally, when you write a proposal you write the first 3 chapters (about 50 pages) and a rather detailed synopsis. I want you to picture a ROOT CANAL …

Another Bestseller

I’m thrilled to share the my newest release, The Amish Twins Next Door, has been on the Publishers Weekly Mass Market bestseller list for 3 weeks in a row. That is fabulous! Thank you so much for every copy ordered, downloaded or won. You all are awesome. And you make my job as an author super fun. Here’s what people …

Writing Retreats

Today I thought I’d share with you about writing retreats. They come in all shapes and forms. More formal retreats are at hotels or retreat centers. For the retreat I went to earlier this month, we rented an AirBnB and split the cost (which ended up being about $80 for two nights–a real deal). So what do you do at …

Releases in 2022

Today I thought I’d share with you what books I have releasing in 2022. I’ve also noted below whether they are new releases or reprints. The Amish Twins Next Door releases on 4-26-22 and should be available everywhere Harlequin/Love Inspired books are sold. This is a new release and is the last title in my Indiana Amish Brides series. All …

2021–A Year in Review

What a year 2021 has been. I like to look back over the previous year. I enjoy making new year lists and resolutions. It helps me to gain perspective. It helps me to remember to be grateful. 2021 was certainly a year for the record books. We had snow-mageddon–not once but twice which was a true record for central Texas. …