The Things We Love

February is the month of love.

Well, come on now. ALL months are months of love, but you know what I mean.

Let’s talk about the things we love. I’ll start.

  • coffee
  • family
  • my pets
  • girlfriends
  • chocolate
  • my church
  • my church band
  • the piano
  • knitting and quilting
  • music
  • writing
  • reading
  • tacos
  • being outside
  • did I say chocolate already?
  • a good story
  • people who are kind

    It’s not so hard to come up with a list of things you love. It’s the things and people that make you smile, that make your heart feel light, that make the day better. I try to put those things in the books I write, and I try to remember to be grateful for them–even tacos. I’m very grateful for tacos.

    Okay. Now it’s your turn. What are some things that you love?

    Comments 51

    1. I love all animals. I don’t trust people anymore, so I don’t love anyone. My cats are my companions. I love warm weather.

    2. I love God, my hubby, my blood & in-law families, my friend families, my fur babies, reading, knitting/crocheting/other crafts, chocolate, coffee, beach vacations & more that I am forgetting ❤️

    3. I love God, my family, my friends, my animals, nature, reading, chocolate, pizza, etc. and so much more. Thank you for writing such great books!!

    4. I love so many things, First of all it’s my growing relationship with our Heavenly Father, then my family and friends.
      I love a genuine person, a smile and the laugh of a baby.
      My fur babies
      I love that I can challenge myself to learn more.
      Sunrise and sunsets
      I love water, the sound of it the vastness of it
      A good book
      Amish noodles
      I think I could go on and on lol

    5. I am more of a “like” person, but there are a few things I definitely love…cats, books and coffee!
      I loved my dogs, too, but no longer have any.
      So, I am a lover, an animal lover.

    6. God, my kids and grandkids, my church, flowers, watching birds at our feeder, the beach and coffee are all things I love. Oh, and I will eat your servings of cheesecake or ice cream!

    7. Things I love:
      •Jesus, my family, and my pup
      •Candy -yep I’m 10
      •Challenging craft projects
      •Video games – again, I’m 10
      •Volunteering in my daughter’s sports activities (most of the time)

    8. Wow Thanks for this question I love the Lord thy God our Creator, Redeemer, our Everything. I love Scripture – God’s love letter to us – I am keeping binders and notebooks on the scripture and devotions that speak to me – I have even made binders for others; I love my husband, our 4 grown children and 1 precious grandson, I LOVE TO READ – especially all types of Christian fiction – I love to hold the books in my hand and turn the pages – I collect books; I love to volunteer at our church’s resale shop – I love to dress with lots of color and jewelry; I love to usher for plays, symphonies, concerts, and whatever events that they have at 2 different places; I love my friends and to be an encourager to them, and Love to be joyful.

    9. I love the Lord, my husband, my grown daughter, my sister, and my friends.
      i love reading, cooking, pets (although I don’t currently have any), watching the birds at my feeders, growing veggies on my patio, watching a few select tv shows. and delivering groceries to some elderly shut-ins.

    10. Hi Vannetta,
      I love the Lord and my husband
      My children and my grand-dogs
      Our feral cats that come and go
      My church and my neighborhood
      Watching birds and squirrels
      My library
      FHL Christian Writers
      Online classes
      My country!
      And so much more! Including your books and newsletter!

    11. I love photography that gives me the chance to try to capture God’s creation in a photo what my eye sees enabling me to share then with others.

      Love my Mom’s recipes that I’m so very thankful I took the time to write down many years ago before Alzheimer took it’s hold. Before then they hadn’t been written down and really no accurate measurements since Mom just put a dash of this or what looked like it should in her hand. Now Mom’s in heaven with Dad with all disease gone. Now when I make one of the recipes, I remember Mom in the kitchen and the childhood memories flow as well as those when I was making “Momma’s Cookbook”.

      I love those that love me expecting nothing in return and that have stood by me – sometimes behind me holding me up – through all life’s slug at me.

      I love to cook/bake and then share the bounty of the kitchen with others. I understand now what Mom meant when she said to see the smile of a face after eating something she had made.

      I love to read a good book. Although I read as a child, adulthood throw things at me that had reading taking a back seat. As a senior citizen, I have re-found my love of reading.

      Love the smell of a fresh bathed baby and hot bread fresh out of the oven.

      I love newborns of all forms – from babies to puppies, with their eagerness to learn and grasping all the world has to offer without fear, prejudice or unwillingness to try.

    12. Chocolate
      Ice cream
      Sewing with my friends
      Traveling to new places
      And to quote a friend, “did I say chocolate already?”

    13. I love my husband, my cat Brooklyn, our health is good, reading with a cup of hot tea and the list goes on, but especially the fact that I retired last year and although I’m busy it’s what I choose not what I have to do. Life is good.

    14. Loving the Lord and reading my Bible and family are just givens for me. I also love to read – to make my own greeting cards – sewing – quilting – making others smile – being helpful where ever I can – doing count cross stitch – volunteering at church – and so much more

    15. Well in the morning and afternoon it’s coffee black no sugar.
      Quiet time by myself to meditate and have devotions.
      Pie with ice cream
      My Crockpot
      My driver’s license
      My husband. Not necessarily in this order
      My daughter
      Grands and great grands
      Putting seasonal wreaths on my front door.
      I could go on and on but mostly the little things make me happy.
      Oh yeah and my iPhone

    16. My Lord
      My grandchildren
      My daughter and her husband
      My three sisters and their families
      Reading a good book
      A nice cup of tea

    17. Where to begin! Right? I love Heavenly Father and all the ways He blesses me. I love my mom who is turning 94 This year! She is my rock! I love and terribly miss my husband who passed about 6 months ago. My children and grandchildren. And I love life and all that it offers me every day!

    18. I love the Lord
      I love my family
      church family
      I love to read more than any other hobby
      I love flowers
      my dog and my barn cats
      I love Dr. Pepper
      Sweet tea
      Going to the beach and listening to the ocean and walking the beach
      I’m sure I am forgetting something!
      I am a very blessed person!

    19. I love:
      . Jesus Christ
      . Reading
      . Learning new things
      . My family and friends
      . My Church family
      . Turning 74
      . Christian movies
      . TV streaming without commercials
      . Clean bed linens, fresh laundry
      . Good food, learning Mediterranean Diet
      . Fresh produce, organic or at least non GMO
      . Birds, Butterflies, and Squirrels
      . Flowers
      . Writing my story for my kids
      . My cat, Daisy
      . My comfortable bed and pillows = good sleep
      . Chickens so we have fresh eggs everyday
      . Trees: so beautiful & give us oxygen
      . My screened in porch
      . Music
      . Plays (local theater)
      . Photos
      . Laughing out loud
      . Smiles
      . Sharing
      . Sunshine and rain
      . Thunder storms and rain
      . Rain
      . Did I mention Rain? LOL
      . Hey, I just love so many things and I am grateful to be here and enjoy it all!

    20. I love God, church family, friends, significant other, and grandchildren.
      I love reading all kinds of books, doing crafts, and making puzzles.
      I love hot air balloons and PA Dutch cooking.

    21. I love God, my husband, my kids and grandkids, peanut butter, cheese, a good nap, well written books, and extended family.

    22. I love Father, Son and Holy Spririt. I love my husband and my family. I love my cat. I love to volunteer at my local hospital and have done it for 15 years. I love to crochet baby afghans for the NICU and prayer shawls for my church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry. I love to read and have ever since I learned from the Dick and Jane books. That’s 76 years of reading.

    23. I love God and good Worship music. I love laughter and smiles, Pizza, Chocolate, coffee, good books, good friends, colors, children’s laughter, and I love to watch a doggie dancing with excitement when it sees you coming, cats, most animals. And I love my brother.

    24. Things I love

      My dogs
      Good friends
      Knitting, sewing, crafting in general
      Red wine
      The NHS
      The Internet

    25. I love my family..I have 3 grown sons (oldest has Down Syndrome) & 2 grandkids from my youngest Travis..Kobe 5 1/2 & Flora 8 months 🙂
      I love reading, movies, music, internet, going out to eat, Kansas City Chiefs football, England, Sweden..big animal lover esp. cats (big & small), dogs, polar bears, panda & koala bears, sea turtles, sea otters.
      Mexican food, root beer, coconut cream pie, donuts, cookies tho I’m trying to cut back on junk food..thanks for the chance to win a gift card 🙂

    26. I love myFamily, especially my Sweet Granddaughter Nicole, I love my cat Harley, I love reading and crocheting
      But mostly I love the Lord

    27. I love our Father God and singing praises to Him.
      My husband and family.
      My besties and coffee/travel with friends
      Love my dog and ranch cats and the simple joy they bring.
      Reading VC books especially suspense and dystopian.
      The beach
      Tacos and a good Margarita (I’m picky)
      Cookies! Again, I’m picky
      Listening to VC play the piano ❤️

    28. Jesus
      My husband,
      My daughter and Granddaughter
      My mom, step dad and siblings plus their spouses
      Hot chocolate
      Hot Chocolate (Can’t stand coffee)
      Promoting new books for authors.

    29. I love:
      My Savior
      My family
      My church
      My church friends
      ice cream
      soft clothes
      Polished toe nails
      the birds that come to my feeder
      blue sky

    30. Things I love? Hmmm. My younger me would have answered in a very different way than me today. I feel that age, life experiences, loss of loved ones, and the list goes on, has changed my focus and mt responses to what they are now.
      Things I love:
      The Bible
      Knowing that God is always with me, cares for me, protects me, and so much more
      Having freedom to worship God freely
      My family
      My circle of friends
      Books that inspire me and are written by authors that include the message of God’s love in their writing
      Watching the sun rise
      Looking at the stars and moon
      Listening to the birds
      Watching nature
      Breathing in the scent of flowers
      ………….. and more

    31. Favorite things: friends, cousins and sisters, my cat, art class, Senior Centers I attend, food: chololate, pizza, roast turkey dinner, spagheetti and meatballs, books, movies, music, animals.

      1. I love sitting on the beach watching the turquoise water, it brings peace to me. I especially would like that now instead of the cold we are having. I like feeling a breeze because you know He is in it and touching your face with his sweetness. As much as I want things in my time, I love His timing better. How many of us need that reminder in our lives? I love taking pictures of family together in that moment because you may not have it again. Then you have the picture to stir the memory. I could make a list with so much on it. Thank you Lord for your love, those around me and the breath you give me. I am blessed because YOUR love started it all!

    32. I love:
      Author newsletters
      Christian sci-fi (with dash of romance)
      Warm socks
      Being outside when it is warm or hot
      Peanut Butter (every day!)
      Good food
      Good friends

    33. I love:
      God/Jesus/Holy Spirit
      My husband
      My family/church
      Time spent with friends
      COFFEE (lol)
      Good books to read
      Authors who write them
      And much more!

      Thank you for the giveaway chance Vannetta! Happy (early) Valentine’s day 🙂

    34. There are so many things I love, it hard to decide what I’d first. Of course I love my Lord, my Church, all family members ( which is about 100) ,friends and neighbors.
      Then there is food!!! Love everything from meat, veggies, fruits, milk products, snacks, and all desserts.
      I love books, especially those written by Vannetta.
      I read printed books, and ones on my Kindle, I like to hold a book best! I love LIFE!

    35. I love,
      My hubby
      Our children, grandchildren
      Our dog
      Ice cream
      Reading Amish stories
      My church
      Cut flowers
      New clothes
      Feeling well

    36. The things I Love:
      My husband and children
      My four precious grandkids and 2 grandpups
      My awesome dog Bentley
      Reading positive Amish fiction to get through
      my medical treatments (yours of course!)
      All my doctor’s and their office staff (they are
      the most supportive and compassionate
      healthcare workers I have met!)

      The best for last: I love that 5 days ago I received
      the great news that the neurological disease
      that I have been battling is now In Remission!
      After 4 long years!

      God is good!

    37. I love Jesus, my family, pets, farm critters and animals, I love nature, my church, my car so I am mobile! And I love great books by my wonderful Love Inspired/Suspense writers! You gals are the best!

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