Tough Times . . .

Let’s see if you’ve heard any of these. “Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~Robert H. Schuller “You’ve got to stay strong to be strong in tough times.” ~Tilman J. Fertita “I think most art comes out of poverty and hard times.” ~Willie Nelson I’ll bet you can think of a few more to add to this list. …

A Shade Tree, A Creek, & A Book

Raise your hand if you were raised in the south with no air conditioning. Haha. I’m sure I’m not the only one. We didn’t have air conditioning at home–or at school–or in the car. I think about that at least once a day, since Texas is currently melting under 100+ temperatures. We survived though. Somehow. And mom wouldn’t let us …

Back to the Classroom

It’s true. I’ve accepted a half-time teaching position. Beach time is over my friends. Okay, I was only at the beach for 4 days, but you get my meaning. Life is about to get busy! So am I still going to write books? You bet, I am! I’ll still have half a day. What do you think I’d spend that …

How Do You Feel About Flowers?

As a writer, I need things to do that don’t require sitting in front of a computer. I knit. I quilt a little. I love to play in the garden. But Good Golly Miss Molly, it’s hard to maintain flowers in Texas. It involves so much watering. At first it’s every other day. Then it’s every day. Then it’s twice …

Pull Quotes

I had so much fun going through the final edits of my May release, Veil of Destruction. By the time I receive a book back from my editor and my proofreaders, it’s been several months since I finished writing it. I’ve usually written at least one other book in that time. So re-reading what has been edited and proofread is …

Easter Memories

Isn’t this picture adorable? Can you guess which one I am? Clue: I’m not really paying attention. Ha! I’m the youngest, in the hat, staring at something to my left. I love this picture of me and my siblings. It reminds me of a simpler time. Plus, it makes me curious. What is my brother mad about? Having to wear …

March Madness

You get the general gist. I think this could be fun! I’m not a big basketball watcher myself. They go up the court. They go down the court. In the last minute of the game (which takes 10-15 minutes to play), the score is usually tied. And all those free throws. I’ve never made a free throw myself (I throw …

The Things We Love

February is the month of love. Well, come on now. ALL months are months of love, but you know what I mean. Let’s talk about the things we love. I’ll start. It’s not so hard to come up with a list of things you love. It’s the things and people that make you smile, that make your heart feel light, …


I’ve been taking a rather informal poll to see how many people have a new year’s resolution. Turns out…not that many. I guess it’s out of fashion. I get it. Maybe it hasn’t worked for us in the past, so we say, “I’m not falling for that again.” I’ve always liked resolutions though. I like new years and new months. …

Virtual Book Store

As an author, I’m always searching for new ways to connect with readers. One thing I’ve heard again and again is that you’d like to be able to purchase autographed, print copies. Voila! May I present the VC Book Store. Of course, I don’t have all 40+ books in my personal warehouse, but I do have a few of them …