A New Year…

…and a new genre.

How are you feeling about 2025? I’m feeling good. As I explained to a group of friends the other night, “I’m learning to be okay with being clueless.” It’s true. I walk around a lot, murmuring, “What is happening?” and not letting it make me tense. It’s a skill I’m trying to perfect.

So what is happening in my book world in 2025? Thank you for asking.

  • Oath Of Allegiance (the 3rd and final book in my Allison Quinn series) will release on 2-25-25. I have loved writing these books. And I’m still super stoked that book 2, Against All Enemies, won the Daphne Du Maurier. You can preorder Oath of Allegiance here.
  • I have sent a proposal to my fabulous agent. The working title is “The Reimagined Life of Jade Morrow.” It’s a women’s fiction novel, which is a new genre for me. I’m in love with the story, and I plan to finish it by summer.
  • An Amish Widow’s New Love releases on April 1st. It’s the last book in my Love Inspired, Indiana Amish Market series. I think you’re going to love how I addressed the issue of Amos, and what he’s to do now that all of his daughters have married.
  • I’m also considering a new cozy mystery series or possibly one more book in my Alpine series. Still chewing on both of those ideas.
  • I also plan to start some special print book giveaways (Date With a Book) for my newsletter peeps. If you haven’t signed up, just enter your email in the box to the right. And I’ll have loads of ebook specials as well.

I am continuing with my half-day teaching job this year. Have I mentioned how much I love it? I love it. I love teaching high school students, even the ones who don’t think they like to read. We’ll just see about that!

Want to share any of your 2025 plans? I love to read your comments. Even if the plans are simply to keep on, keeping on.

Comments 38

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  1. No special plans for this year. Hoping to see our daughter and grandkids as often as we can. I have several quilt projects I want to complete while my hubby continues to teach at Grand Canyon Seminary. We are retired missionaries so we probably won’t be traveling much this year.

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  2. My word for the year is Hope, so I will just keep on Hoping for the Best in everything. I also have to read alot more than I did in 2024. Your books all sound great, I love Amish stories. Have a great weekend.

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  3. I am hopeful that 2025 will be a good year for everyone. Looking forward to reading the last book in the Allison Quinn series. I have enjoyed this series. I’m hoping you have another book in the Agatha series. Fingers crossed! Love your books. Thank you!

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  4. I don’t have too much going on right now. My husband passed away 3 years ago and my mom’s first year death anniversary is coming up at the end of January. The same day as my birthday so I’m going to try to get through that with God’s help. God is still faithful. I’m kind of having a hard time because it feels like I haven’t properly mourned my mom because I’m still mourning my husband. I miss them both very much.
    I thank the Lord for being with me.

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  5. I’m excited to read the next Allison Quinn book. They are heart racing stories. Hoping she and Steele finally get together! Your picture of your office with the pups looks like a sewing room as well. This year I plan on spending more time with my quilt making. Sewing is a great stress reliever for me and the outcome is something that makes me happy. A really a win-win situation for me. And reading your books is a lovely escape time for me. Block out the world and escape into your story line. Thanks for such enjoyable books, across ALL the genres you write in! Have a wonderful New Year!

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      You are correct. It is a sewing room as well. Pet room. Writing room. Sewing room. Multi purpose! And thank you for your kind words.

  6. 2025 sees my only child graduating from high school and heading off to Liberty University. I guess it leaves me as an empty nester trying to figure out the new normal.

    BTW, I love Date With A Book or Blind Date WAB. I have purchased the latter off Etsy and even looked at one today, debating if I’ll send one to my mom and mother-in-law for Mother’s Day.

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      Congratulations on your child graduating. It’s definitely a transition time. And I’m really looking forward to the Date with a Book too. I’ll check out Etsy and see what they’re doing there. Thanks for the idea.

  7. Looks like you have some great plans for the new year!
    I recently retired after teaching for 38 years to care for my Daddy. He turned 100 in November and still lives in his home, not far from me. Each day we spend together is special! (only girl, have 4 brothers) So, my plan is just to make each day as special as I can for him!

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  8. I’m so excited that you’re branching out into women’s fiction. I’m sure the story will be amazing! As for me, I’m hoping to take a few trips in 2025 as the past few years have been too busy to travel.

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  9. I’m not good at making plans any more. My hope is to have a few more adventures, and to try to keep up with the lives of my growing grandchildren which, since they are all teens/young adults, is challenging me. And we live 4 hours away from two of them, which makes life interesting.

  10. I’m very excited for An Amish Widow’s New Love.

    I’m just happy to spend time with my family and friends. Whatever the year brings us, we’ll do it together.

    Have a wonderful week!

  11. Right now trying to keep warm. It’s supposed to be below 0 here for the next couple of weeks. Nothing much is going on.

  12. Vannetta, if you wrote a grocery list, I would read it lol! I am resolved to try to keep a positive attitude in 2025. Looking forward to whatever you oubkish!

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