Shipshewana's Pace

Amish View: Shipshewana’s Pace

I look at my calendar, and I can’t believe that July is ending this weekend. Where has the summer gone? One part of me is celebrating, as Texas is in the worst recorded drought of all time. Another part of me remembers that summer is supposed to be the time of rest, lazy days and nights spent enjoying the outdoors.

My 23-yr-old son recently asked how my new year’s resolution was going. I didn’t recall making one! But, for better or worse, I did. Inspired by Chris Young, and my Amish friends, it was “to not work my life away.”

ACK! It’s the end of July, and I forgot … well, there are 5 months left in 2011. I suppose it’s not too late to try again.


You can also find me on facebook  by clicking on the fb tab to the right or by searching for Vannetta Chapman, author, where I have recently posted details of my Amish Country Holiday Book Tour with Amy Clipston and Shelley Shepard Gray

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