Myth Buster #5

Amish Myth Buster #5

THIS one is a bit closer to my heart. It’s the myth that all Amish folk are somber, serious, lacking in humor, and a bit unfriendly. I can tell you from my first hand experiences, nothing could be further from the truth.

I suppose the reason we have some of these stereotypes is because Amish people do treasure their privacy. It’s also true that they don’t want their pictures made. But the rest is FALSE. The Amish people I’ve met in both Indiana and Wisconsin were quite friendly. They invited us into their homes. They were more than willing to answer our questions. They had a GREAT sense of humor.

Overall they reminded me of country-folk. So I’m happy to de-bunk this myth about the serious, somber Amish person. No doubt that person does exist–in every culture.

Happy Saturday, everyone. If you happen to be anywhere near The Colony Public Library in The Colony, Texas I’ll be there signing copies of Falling to Pieces from 1-4 this Saturday. That’s right, BEFORE they’re available in stores. It’s hardly fair; is it? Ha ha ha. Everyone have a great weekend.


ps – there’s still a few days to sign up for the free GoodReads copies of Falling to Pieces. I’ll also be having more contests on FaceBook. Hope to see you there.

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