Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana

All Things Amish–Blue Gate Restaurant in Shipshewana

Blue Gate Restaurant is a special place in Shipshewana, and it’s special for several reasons. It’s a memorable place to stop and eat–and yes, I’m talking Amish food. It also is home to a remarkable theater which this year is hosting talent ranging from Amy Grant to plays such as Beverly Lewis’ The Confession. You can see the entire schedule here.

But what makes the Blue Gate special for me is the owner–Mel, and the other folks who work there–Amish and Englisch alike. They’re wonderful people who treat you kindly, make you feel at home, and remind you why you’ve stopped in this little town. Small wonder I’d choose to set my stories, Falling to Pieces and A Perfect Square in this town.

I was honored to do a book signing at The Blue Gate last November. I also ate there several times in the last year. It’s a place I’ve been to with old friends.  And you know what? It’s a place I plan to return to–time and again. I hope you manage to find your way there if you’re travelling through northern Indiana. If you do, try the pie. It’s amazing. 


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