Amish Weddings

Myth Buster #8: Amish Weddings

I have read the Amish get married on Thursdays and only certain months. Why?

What an excellent question! This is one I thought I knew the answer to, and then I found out it’s a changing custom, AND it’s different for different areas.

This is the answer I found when I was researching, and mostly holds true.

November is the month for weddings – spring, summer, and fall months there is too much work to be done and in the winter there’s the risk of unfavorable weather. Also, Tuesdays and Thursdays are the days for weddings – these are the least busy days of the week.

However, when I was in Shipshe, and again in Wisconsin, I found that there are so many weddings now … because communities are growing, that the wedding season has been extended. These pictures were taken in June, which is not a traditional wedding month. These young ladies were gathering before a wedding.

Also, when I was writing A Perfect Square (no, I’m NOT telling you who is getting married in book 2), some of my friends in Shipshe told me that younger girls now put flowers on the tables which is NEW, but all dresses are still home made. A few traditions have changed; however, I’m sure it would still appear very old fashioned to us.

Myth busted!

DISCLAIMER: We’re BUSTING MYTHS to celebrate the launch of my series set in Shipshewana, Indiana. Remember though, my experience may be different from yours or from other books you have read.


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