Amish Life – Places We Like

Places We Like … Amish Life

Another question I asked you a few weeks ago is where you would like to visit, where you would go to see the Amish if you could take a trip. I like trips! It’s fun to go somewhere different and see how people live. Here are your answers.

  1. Pennsylvania
  2. Ohio
  3. Indiana
  4. Florida
  5. Missouri

There were 15 different states listed (and Canada), but Pennsylvania received the most votes with 75 and Ohio and Indiana both received in the mid 30s. Wowzer! They are beautiful places, and I can tell you first-hand that you will enjoy your time there.

But I’ve also been to the Amish communities in Wisconsin (poor Wisconsin – it only received 1 vote) and the Cashton area is AMAZING. The picture above is one I took while researching in southwestern Wisconsin. Maybe you’ll believe how beautiful it is after you read my upcoming release!

So do we like these places because we’ve read so much about them? Or are they just great places? Who knows … I’m still trying to figure out how to sell my editor on setting an Amish book in Hawaii. Ha ha ha.




p.s. – A Promise for Miriam, the first book in my Pebble Creek series, will be releasing on June 1st. Details can be found here.

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