The Story Behind My New Release

An Amish Baby for Christmas releases on October 27th. I’m often asked, “How much of that book is real?” and “Where do you get your ideas?” and “Do the Amish really live like that?”
- How much of the book is real? The location is definitely real. I’ve been to Shipshewana, Indiana many times. It’s a very friendly Amish community, and the Amish families there have been very kind and welcoming.
- Where do you get your ideas? I look around me and ask myself what story hasn’t been told yet. The Amish, like any other part of our society, have pregnant women in need of help. In my town, we have a Crisis Pregnancy Center. The Amish handle such needs through their benevolence fund and the kindness of their members.
- Do the Amish really live like that? Yup. One of the challenges of writing an Amish Christmas story is that they celebrate Christmas differently than we do. They give fewer gifts–which are either practical items that need to be bought or homemade items that one would enjoy. None of the Amish I’ve met put a Christmas tree up in the house, but some decorate with candles in the window and garland along the hearth. They consider Christmas to be a very sacred holiday, and they treat it accordingly.
- Of course that leaves a lot that is fictional in my story. I’ve never met an Amish property manager. Most Amish wouldn’t own a farm as large (and indebted) as Abigail’s. Most Amish have family that live near and can help.
I had a lot of fun writing this story. I hope that you enjoy it and that in some small way it helps you experience some of the joy of the season. If you have any questions about this release, feel free to pop them in the comment section below. And if you’d like to purchase a copy, they will be in your local Walmart beginning October 26th as well as on-line where ever Love Inspired books are sold.
Comments 53
I love your books, and am looking forward to reading this. Especially after spending several weeks in Indiana Amish country in September!
I just started reading An Amish Baby for Christmas and can hardly put it down! The characters have captured by attention, great book. Thanks.
I just finished this book yesterday. Started reading and couldn’t put it down!!!
I enjoyed learning more about the Amish. I also wondered if they celebrated Halloween. They celebrate Christmas in a way I like. Their focus is on the real meaning and not about gifts. I look forward to reading your latest book.
Hi! Love all your stories. The Amish live simple lives, but hard ones snd I think a lot of us English need to be grateful for what we have and not worry about what your neighbors have.
Every story is exciting and always a blessing
Thank you
I so enjoy reading all your books. I live how they always leaving me feel as if I just made friends with the characters. I also love how I can learn more about the Amish. Thank you for having such an amazing talent.
I enjoyed reading about the Amish too.i read this book before it even was in stores and I really enjoyed it .I come from a family of 13 so I like reading books with babies and children in it.
Absolutely LOVED “An Amish Baby for Christmas” which was no surprise to me since I love all your books.
We love visiting Sheshewana too. It was fun to read about places we visit when we go there. Just made me want to visit it again.
Please keep writing so us reading can keep enjoying them.
The fact that Amish communities work hard to support and help the members is something that I find so refreshing! Although, I must say that many churches that function as they are supposed to do this as well. My very favorite examples of this benevolence are the ones that are a surprise to the recipient!!
I love reading about the Amish, about their customs and work efforts. I would really like to go to an Amish wedding.
Hi, your book sounds like a great read and I love the book cover! Thank you for answering these questions I find them very interesting. Have a great week and stay safe. God Bless you and your family.
This sounds like another amazing story. I miss having the time to be part of your street team. Wishing you continued success.
I am really enjoying An Amish Baby for Christmas. You’ve hit another one out of the park Vanetta!
I just bought the book at walmart over the weekend. I’m excited to read it, especially after reading the story behind the story questions/answers. I really like the idea if how Amish celebrate Christmas, sometimes I think it gets to commercial and less spiritual in the English world. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I’m looking forward to reading your new book as soon as I finish a book from my local library. I pre-ordered the book and it arrived on release day.
I have visited several Amish communities and enjoy learning about their culture. Books like you’re help with that u derstanding.
Thanks for bringing us more info about Amish life! It’s amazing to know about other cultures and appreciate the beauty of them.
An Amish Baby for Christmas by Vannetta Chapman is a wonderful well written 5 star book. I highly recommend reading.
I love Shipshewana Indiana. I have visited there twice now, and see different things each visit. Just purchased and can’t wait to read. ❤️
Hi, Vannetta. Thank you for your monthly emails and giveaways. They are a lot of fun. Thank you for clarifying that the Indiana Amish bride series don’t have to be read in any particular order. I have read some of them but not all of them. I don’t like reading books out of order. This book sounds like it will be another good one to read. I enjoy your books so much! I just finished reading the A Christmas Prayer novella. I enjoyed it. Thank you!
Dear Vannetta,
I am so thankful to have a favorite writer who writes interesting , clean stories. There is nothing worse than finding a book you think you will enjoy
only to discover it is filled with offensive language I don’t use or listen to. You are a trust-worthy author and I just wanted you to know I appreciate you.
Looking forward to reading an Amish baby for Christmas. Every book I have read has been a great read.. Keep writing. I love all your books the trilogy books are my favorite…
I like the way Amish celebrate Christmas. Giving the holiday the true meaning.
I love reading your Amish books and can’t wait for this one. Thank you for clarification on so many questions!
I love the cover of this new book and love to learn about how different the Amish can be. Thanks fir your wonderful stories.
I love your books,,,they keep me sane and thankful in an insane, thankless world.
I really enjoy Amish fiction and many of your books are at the top of my list of favorites. I’ll be picking this one up soon. I love Christmas books anytime of year.
I am very interested in learning everything about the Amish life.
Hello and Thank you for sharing about The Amish I Love the cover of your new book! Thank You for your newsletter and giveaways! Blessings To You!
Thanks for the behind the scenes information about your new book, an Amish baby for Christmas. I really didn’t know about the Amish when I was growing up and when we started our family. In my latter years I enjoy reading Christian fiction about them and am fascinated by their way of living including their strong family and community ties. Thank for helping the Amish to become more real to me. I have never gotten to go to the parts of the United States where they live. The Lord be with you as you write all of your books.” Enjoy each day to its fullest” John 10:10 b
The Amish life has always intrigued me.
I love reading Amish books and learning how different their lives are from others.
My husband and I love your books. My husband will even read them 3 and 4 times. Looking forward to the newest book.
I love your books and enjoy learning Amish customs.
Hello! I just ordered this book and the previous one in this series. Looks like it’s going to be a great read!
Ps: These Love Inspired books are also available in large print – I ordered this format from Amazon. ????
I enjoy reading about Amish families welcoming new babies. And Christmas is my favorite holiday. So this particular book grabbed my interest right away!
I wouldn’t want to live without my Christmas decorations but I do like the way the Amish keep gift giving simple and/or handmade. Love Christmas books and An Amish Baby For Christmas sounds like a must-read!
I am always amazed at how much I learn reading your books. Thank you for sharing your gift with us. I always look forward to reading your books.
I ordered this book today, in a large-print format from Amazon. So looking forward to reading it! ????
I love Amish stories and admire the way they live. I can hardly wait to read it and winning it would be great!
I like learning more about Amish ways when reading books about them.
Your book sounds like a great story. I’ve enjoyed reading your other books. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
Adding this book to my to be read list. Thank you for your talent in writing.
Love reading Amish fiction as I lived in Lancaster County PA for over 5 years. It’s interesting to read about Amish living in differnt communities and how practices and custumes differ.
Hi Vannetta, I love hearing about traditions that other communities have. Living in South Africa means that our lives are very different to those of the Amish. Christmas is also very different as we are in the middle of summer and it is quite hot and humid here. The food we eat at Christmas is also a bit different and most people here enjoy cold meats and salads rather than the traditional roast turkey, with trifle, Christmas pudding and ice cream to follow. A barbeque is also preferred by some.
I love your books and always anxiously await the next one. I like hearing your views of the Amish life also also. I seldom read anything except Christian books anymore with so many of the books you pick up have seem to have offensive language or sexual content. You are one of my favorite authors by far. I’m a fellow Texan and always think someday I might run into you in person. I would be starstruck! LOL
My mom & I love reading the Amish books. We love your strong faith & loving manner. Please continue to share your faith.
Be thankful in all things.
Nothing like Christmas and Amish books. Thank you for sharing your newsletter and the opportunity to win the wonderful giveaway. Blessings
I love Amish stories.
I would like to celebrate a Christmas with only one or two small gifts, or even no gifts at all. However, when I broach the subject with family, they aren’t in favor. My husband says our gifts are things we would buy and need/use anyway. I guess I’d like to buy less stuff and live more simply. Consumerism and clutter are constant struggles!
No matter the mother’s situation, babies change your life.
When my husband and are are in car driving I love to look up at the sky and see the the awesomeness of God’s handiwork! The stars, the moon even the sunsets! God’s art is the best art in the world! Love the Amish Stories and the simplicity of their lives!
When my husband and are are in car driving I love to look up at the sky and see the the awesomeness of God’s handiwork! The stars, the moon even the sunsets! God’s art is the best art in the world!