Ministering the Amish Way

The Amish Way, Ministering to Others

I’ve been in a crochet mood – and quilting, knitting, and sewing mood. Fall does this to me!

As you can see, I’ve been crocheting hats like a crazy person. (This pattern can be found here.) I can easily do one a night. Everyone in my family is groaning, “Hats for Christmas. Great.” They’re kidding. I know that they would love to have one. And isn’t that the Amish way? Isn’t that the simpler and more personal thing to do? Make gifts for our loved ones. Minister to others with our time.

Except my son needs a couch, a tv and a new laundry basket. Which all started me to thinking, what do you do with your crafts? Do you give them to local charities, friends, family, or maybe a retirement center? I’d love to hear from you, and if you give to charities, I’d love for you to post a link to the charity in your comment.

Happy crafting!


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