A New Release

I’m so excited to announce that Veil of Hope is now available in paperback (ebook releases on 9-24-24). As you can tell from the title, the folks from Alpine seem to be turning the corner. Unfortunately, it’s a rough ride. I thought I’d do a little Q&A regarding this release. Q: Do I need to have read all the other …

Welcome Back!

I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you back to my webpage, or if this is your first visit here, welcome for the first time. With the popularity of social media sites, many businesses are wondering if it’s worth having a webpage. I think it is. I like that I can reach out to everyone, regardless of what social …

Books, Books & …

And more books! I love books. I love them in all sizes and shapes … and formats. When you’ve been published for a while, yes-that means I’m oldER than when I started this gig, you start seeing your books published in a variety of formats. That last one is fun. In the last few years I’ve become a real fan …

Tough Times . . .

Let’s see if you’ve heard any of these. “Tough times never last, but tough people do. ~Robert H. Schuller “You’ve got to stay strong to be strong in tough times.” ~Tilman J. Fertita “I think most art comes out of poverty and hard times.” ~Willie Nelson I’ll bet you can think of a few more to add to this list. …

A Shade Tree, A Creek, & A Book

Raise your hand if you were raised in the south with no air conditioning. Haha. I’m sure I’m not the only one. We didn’t have air conditioning at home–or at school–or in the car. I think about that at least once a day, since Texas is currently melting under 100+ temperatures. We survived though. Somehow. And mom wouldn’t let us …

Back to the Classroom

It’s true. I’ve accepted a half-time teaching position. Beach time is over my friends. Okay, I was only at the beach for 4 days, but you get my meaning. Life is about to get busy! So am I still going to write books? You bet, I am! I’ll still have half a day. What do you think I’d spend that …

Virtual Book Store

As an author, I’m always searching for new ways to connect with readers. One thing I’ve heard again and again is that you’d like to be able to purchase autographed, print copies. Voila! May I present the VC Book Store. Of course, I don’t have all 40+ books in my personal warehouse, but I do have a few of them …

Writing, Deadlines and Stress

I see a lot of writers talking about deadlines and stress. In fact, I see and hear a lot of people admitting to feeling stressed in general, so I thought we’d talk about that for a minute. I don’t mind deadlines personally. They give me a date to finish something, which is good. Otherwise I might take forever. One way …