Books, Books & …
And more books! I love books. I love them in all sizes and shapes … and formats.
When you’ve been published for a while, yes-that means I’m oldER than when I started this gig, you start seeing your books published in a variety of formats.
- Mass market (purse-sized)
- Trade (full sized)
- Large print (even bigger)
- Soft covers (paperback)
- Hard covers (kinda self explanatory that one)
- Audio

That last one is fun. In the last few years I’ve become a real fan of audio books. I found out I can knit and listen. Ha! Two of my favorite things at once. I also listen to audio books when I have a long road trip ahead of me. Or at the gym! Or while I’m cleaning house. The possibilities are endless.
Sometimes a publisher will choose a series to offer in audio. That has happened with 17 of my books, which is wonderful. I want to reach as many readers as possible. Then six months ago, I was approached by Tantor Media. They wanted to produce audio versions of my Agatha’s Amish B&B series, which was pretty stinking exciting because these are indie books–which means I published them myself. Book 1, Dead Wrong, released earlier this year, and now Book 2, Dead Broke is available as well. Dead Set will release later this spring.
You can find my entire audio list wherever audio books are sold. Or you can click through to Amazon or Audible.
So, tell me. What is your favorite format for books?
Comments 32
I prefer ebooks, particularly those I can read with the Kindle app. I can read ebooks on my phone or on my tablet when I decide to take a break. I can also borrow ebooks using Libby from the libraries that I have access to without having to worry about library fines. Best of all, ebooks don’t take up space so I don’t need to worry about where I’m going to store huge book collection!
I like the print version the best. I love holding the article book in my hands the best.
I like several versions of books. Recently I have started listening to audio books, I like that version, as well as print books and ebooks. I guess I just love books!!
I prefer print first, but am becoming accustomed to ebooks. I don’t care for audio books.
I’ve always loved the feel of a book in my hand but when we had to live in a travel trailer for four years with three teenagers I had to give it up. Now I love the convenience of the Kindle as it can go where I go. I have a huge library at my fingertips. The difficulty now is choosing which to read next.
I only read paperbacks. Yes, I know I’m a dinosaur reader. Medical issue are the main issue here. Think I would like the audios, but I fear they would be like watching TV. If I can’t physically interact (even if just holding the book and turning the pages, I would more than likely fall asleep during the story telling. A lot of time when I read, it’s after a long day when I’m tired which is prone to dozing off to start with. So for me, it’s paperbacks all the way.
I love the paper format. Nothing beats the smell or feel of a new book!
I like print, ebooks and audio books. have a good weekend.
Years ago I likely would have said print but when audiobooks (on cassette s even! ) I thought I was in heaven. I could now multitask even more! See, embroider, drive, housework.…you name it I could read a book at the same time. Then along came ebooks and the kindle. Now I could take hundreds of books in my luggage and not have to be concerned about the weight of the suitcase. And to read in bed and not keep hubby awake with the light and shuffling of pages turning. So not sure I could say a favorite. I just love to read!!
And I just finished Dead Wrong for the second time so perfect timing for the freebie of Dead Broke. Thank you!!
*sew not see!
I love a hard copy. Holding a book makes feel closer to the story.
I prefer print books, but I read a lot of eBooks as well.
I’m beginning to like the kindle format. As I get older it’s harder to read small print books and I can see the kindle version better.
I still like holding a paper book, but I’ve grown to enjoy Kindle versions as well. I’ve actually never partaken in a audio book, but now you’ve got me interested, what with the crafting and book all at once!
I LOVE your Agatha’s Amish B&B series and am eager waiting for the release of DEAD SET this spring. Then I will reread the three so I can wait for the fourth release. Do you have a title for that yet?
I read print books, ebooks, and I listen to audiobooks.
I’m still a print person. Blessings
My favorite format for books is paperbacks, although I do have several eBooks as some only come that way.
I love print books the most, but enjoy ebooks too.
I Love print books the best just holding in my hands turning the pages Have a Blessed Day!
I prefer print books. I love the feel and smell of paper and ink; however, when I go on a trip I like to listen to audio books. May your journey continue to bless you and encourage others.
I like to read a mix of paperbacks and ebooks.
I love the ebooks (nook) because they are easier for me to handle at night when I’m reading in bed. I kinked myself in the face a few times with hardbacks. 😂 I just felt finished your Kessler effect series, and LOVED it. Can’t wait for more.
My favorite format is still print, but I also read ebooks on my Kindle and listen to audiobooks in the car.
I purchased a Kindle 4 yrs ago and absolutely love it! I rarely read books before then. It fits in my purse so I can take it with me when I want. I also like audio books but haven’t purchased any for quite a few years.
The feel of a book in my hands, turning the pages to see what is on the next page,
stepping into a bookstore or a library and the smell of books in the air.
My idea of Heaven on Earth.
I love a paperback book or ebook most of the time
I like e-books and hard copy. If it is something I want to study, I prefer hard copy. Hard copies are also easier to share.
Thanks for the “referral” to other trusted authors. I prefer the Amish stories and have read all of yours. So when you make a recommendation and link I go to it right away.
I prefer those that I can read with my Kindle app. I can adjust the type size for my eyesight. Also I have available my entire library in one easy to read and carry location.
Print books all the way. I do have books on my kindle app should I ever want to go that route.
I enjoy holding a book while I am reading. Digital books are hard to read currently due to eye issues.
I enjoy reading books and ebooks.