Another Bestseller

I’m thrilled to share the my newest release, The Amish Twins Next Door, has been on the Publishers Weekly Mass Market bestseller list for 3 weeks in a row. That is fabulous!
Thank you so much for every copy ordered, downloaded or won. You all are awesome. And you make my job as an author super fun. Here’s what people are saying:
Chapman did a wonderful job with this different take on an Amish love story. ~Joy, 5 star Amazon review
The Amish Twins Next Door is a sweet, unpredictable, Amish Fiction Romance with GREAT Characters and Storyline. ~familymgrkendra, 5 star Amazon review
With a perfect blend of emotions, adventure and faith this story is now on my list of top favorite books for 2022. ~Deana, 5 star Amazon review
Now, at first this blog post might sound like I’m bragging on myself, but I’m not. I’m bragging on you! Readers put books on bestseller lists. Readers are the reason that authors write!
When a book receives bestselling status several things happen
- Amazon gives it better visibility in search engines
- Other retailers, like B&N and Walmart, are more likely to stock copies in store
- the publisher (in this case Love Inspired) pays attention and will sometimes print more copies of the next release, and most importantly…
- everyone on the production side is happy–this means it’s more likely that you’ll see additional books from me. (My next series for LI will have 6 books, so we already know that is going to happen.)
While we’re talking about bestselling books, how do you choose your books? Do you peruse at the library, walking up and down the aisle? Maybe you hop over to Amazon or B&N or Harlequin and click around a bit? Or possibly someone tells you that a book that read was great, so you give it a try? Leave me a comment below. I’d love to know how you find the books you read. I’ll be choosing 3 winners from the comments and announcing them next month in my newsletter. So if you’re not signed up, do that while you’re here on my page!
Comments 91
I usually find books that are promoted by the author. Sometimes their own, sometimes someone else’s.
I usually like to stick with the authors I know the best,the cover of the book usually pulls me in easily!
If I have found an author that I know I like I will continue to pre order her/ his books that way I know I won’t miss any. I also follow several of my favorite authors on Amazon and BookBub so I know when they have books coming out. Then of course I look for recommendations from others on web sites as well.
I loved this book. Those twins made me laugh.
I receive e-mails from my favorite authors, and I appreciate recommendations of new authors/books from trusted Christian authors!
I browse Amazon and my library web page.I have favorite authors I always buy.
When I am looking for a new book to read, I usually go to my favorite Authors and see if there is anything new. Lately, I watch Facebook Author pages and make notes of new books coming out so my searches don’t take so long. I also go to Mardels and browse. This is when I discover new authors.
I usually look for authors I read the most but I always look at the new arrivals also just in case one catches my eye.
I like to read a paragraph about the book. This way I know if the book is for me.
I Love reading about the Amish. I don’t think the English(me included) could live without e li electricity, phones(I agree about the phones constantly ringing, it gets on my nerves also-Lol). We have been spoiled. We freak out when we lose power in our homes. No TV, No lights. Yes, we definitely are spoiled.
I get lots of my books from the library. I love the cover just got it from the library but haven’t got around to start reading it yet
I go to and browse books there and order from my library. In Michigan we can request books from all the libraries in the state. My librarian also will put a book on her list to buy if none of libraries have it. I loved the Amish twins next door! The twins made me laugh out loud!
I like looking on each month and picking out books that interest me. I also like a good cover and an intriguing story. I like reading about the Amish as well and have read several authors in this genre.
I love love love all of your many books I have read bought & won. My problem is not having the best eyesight anymore. Do you make any of your books with large print? Thanks for all of your adventures with the Amish!
I receive emails from my favorite authors and love their recommendations. I read a lot, so I also use Goodreads and sevices like Bookbub to help me know when their are new releases.
Wow That is awesome about being a best seller novelist. It lets us know that lots of others are reading your books and other Amish books, Also praying for rain. Thanks for being an encouraging, inspiring, entertaining, and informative author. Thanks for all of your giveaways , blogs, newsletters, and face book posts.
I used to work at a library, and still get a lot of my books from there. I also have a Kindle Fire and get books from there, most are free. I get Vannetta’s books mostly from the library. I see them on your web page, am looking forward to the new series coming out!
All the new books sound awesome, can not wait to be able to enjoy reading them this summer ❤️
The cover of this book is great! It’s the cover of the book shows Amish AND the cover itself.
I’m on a fixed income so I look at the library first. Can even request that they buy them if they don’t have it available yet. Then I look for free Kindle books which are usually the first in a series. If the first one is good then I look for sales to purchase the rest. I love getting recommendations from my favorite authors to peak my interest. Amish and cozy mysteries are my favorites.
I usually skim over the theme and decide if I would want to read the book.
I pick new books by several ways: (1) A beautiful cover will draw me in to read the blurb on the back of the book. (2) I have my favorite authors that I follow on Amazon, so I get notifications when new books are released. (3) I listen to others tell of great books if they fit my favorite genres: Amish Fiction and Historical Fiction. WIN, WIN! Keep on writing your great books!
I would love to win a print copy! Thank you for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! God bless!
I am always watching for books to come out by my favorite authors. Thanks for the chance to win this give away!
I have my favorite authors and their books take precedence and then I see the cover and those attract me right to them. But I do like to try new authors.
Looking forward to the library getting the book so I can read it.
I find about latest releases from receiving emails from my favorite authors, like you, Vanetta! Love your books!
I always look up the Amish romance authors so I know what I want to read. The ones I don’t buy, I put on my Christmas and Birthday lists. These books are the only thing I ever ask for. A few years ago our church group had dinner with you and your husband at Das Dutchman Essenhouse in Middlebury. Enjoyed meeting you both.
Vannetta, Hope you are well!, I love all your books, all the Love inspired amish fiction books too!, i look forward to when your book comes out so i can read it, you have a way to write all these good books for your readers to enjoy
I follow authors on Facebook and though their Emails like yours 🥰
I also check on Goodreads, Bookbub, and Amazon to see what all their books are.
Thank you for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway!
I follow my favorite authors and see what’s coming up. (You are included!). If it’s someone new, I read what it’s about on the back cover. The front cover can attract me to a book, too. Thank you for this opportunity and your fun giveaways. I wish we could give you some of the rain we have been having. Very wet spring.
I would love to win print copies of any of your books, so I can read and then pass on to a friend, who will then pass them on to her daughter and then to her niece and then to whomever her niece shares with.
The cover has to attract me first and then the blurb.
I have a long list of favorite authors. Also, I enjoy reading new to me authors, usually recommended by my favorite authors.
Recommendations by authors, authors I have read before and love their writing, checking the library shelves for new books I don’t own yet, and recommendations by friends and family.
I pick authors I’m familiar with or choose an intriguing title. If it’s an author I’m unfamiliar with, I peruse the book and pray that if there is bad language it will jump off the page so I don’t waste my time reading it. Thanks for the chance to win a book.
I am on several author mailing lists and they send me recommendations of their own books but also similar writers in the genre. Many of the books I am reading these days are books that are sent to me by publishers and authors….ARCs in return for an honest review. They do not coerce me in any way and I tend to only maintain contact with authors whose books I like or recommended to me by authors I like. I am on several street teams….both Amish fiction author teams and contemporary novelists. I have enjoyed reading books out of my comfort zone. Even when I read books that are not ARCs I always leave reviews on most of the main sites and am, I know it’s a slow process and I am procrastinating, going to be setting up a blog where I will focus all the authors who street teams I am part of, authors like you Vannetta who I am getting to know and I shall review each and every book I read there and will have an archives where I will collect together reviews of all books I have read and reviewed. I think it is wonderful that authors do these giveaways as it gives readers a good chance to interact and get to know their favorite writers.
I usually scan amazon or Harlequin and sometimes a friend will tell me about a book they read then I have to check it out!
My sister usually buys all Amish fiction so she lets me read them after her! We have “Sister Days” where we go to used bookstores looking for books. I also subscribe to many author’s newsletters and really enjoy reading them and many include photos of kids/pets which is cool.
I stay busy reading books from authors I know I can count on and enjoy. Occasionally I am tempted to try a new author maybe winning a book or reading a post on social media. I always enjoy your books and the new one with twins has an adorable cover!
I search Facebook and other social media to find new books to read and new authors. I also support my favorite authors
I choose books many ways. We have a great library where I live and I often hear of a book through friends or newsletters. I enter contests (like this one!) I go to bookstores, both new and used, but, unfortunately many closed down in the last few years.
I get infor from authors’ newsletters and their Facebook pages. I try to get these from the library or by winning giveaways. I trade books that I’ve read with family and friends.
I choose authors I’m familiar with and books that a have cover I like. I read a description of the story to see if I will like it.
I choose some of the books I read from my life list of authors I’ve read for many years. They all have long-running series with a book a year. I used to buy all of those but now am trying to get more of those from my local library. I have also added many new authors to my list through Facebook these days and entering contests introduced me to a lot of my favorites. It’s a joy to hear about new books, learn about the authors and participate in some contests and street teams (which help authors promote their books). Oh and I read a GREAT blog daily called Heroes, Heroines and History and have met many new authors from that site.
I have been known to walk down the aisles at the library and look for interesting titles or authors that I have read in the past. I also belong to a Book Buddy program where we exchange books. I also share books with my sister and she shares hers with me.
I always first go with my favorite authors. I usually don’t even read the back to see what the book is about because I know it will be great. I also get emails from my favorite authors that let me know of their new releases. When I am in Walmart I always look at the books and if I see one that stands out I will read the back and see if it interest me. I love your books Vannetta.
I select a book by several methods. 1) My favorite authors that I can trust. 2) I hate to admit it but the cover draws me in. 3) I read the publisher’s ‘Hook’ about the book and if it sounds good I zip over to Amazon and check the reviews. The reviews don’t necessarily pull me in or throw me off because what is good to one person is a turn-off to another.
I would also like to say how much I appreciate your trust-worthiness. Thanks for always being an author I can count on.
I read as many new release lists from different sources as I can find. Of couree we, I do have favorite authors and series.
BTW, I bought the Amish Twins Next Door and gifted it to a lady I met while traveling. She promises to share it on her community center swap shelf
The internet plays a big part in the books I read. So many reviews to put me in the mood.
I usually pick the books I want to read by the “blurb” on the back cover. If it sounds like a story that I would enjoy then I’ll find a way to get the book. I’ll either buy the book through Amazon, try to get it through my local library’s e-book overdrive, or I will go to Netgalley to download it. Sometimes my favorite authors will ask me to read their books and I’ll join their launch team in exchange for reviews of their books!
I like to read a review of the book to see if it appeals to me.
I have Authors that I follow. I love finding new Authors. I always read the description of the story. I love Amish books and different story lines. I also love and enjoy your books.
I Love hearing about New Authors and their books I love reading!
As you know I volunteer in the Church Library
and have for 43 years.
Since I pretty much know what we have or need
in the library, I’m the book buyer.
I do ask for other people’s suggestions.
Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.
Cover draws me in, favorite authors, and recommendations of authors to try from family and book loving friends.
I find books by reviewing, looking on CBD, Amazon, Facebook, Goodreads, Netgalley and from recommendation on Facebook . Walmart is a great place to find books . I love looking at the library data base and going in person to libraries in towns I visit. I have a nice library that i love to go to that is three hours away. I hope to Jove closer soon.
Wonderful new book!
To choose new books, I usually follow my favorite authors’ social media – Facebook, emails, blogs, etc. to see what’s going to be coming out. Mostly, I buy my books from Amazon for my Kindle.
Occasionally though, I will find a new author while browsing at a bookstore.
Thanks for writing consistently wonderful books, Vannetta!
Wonderful new book! Excited for you. I choose new books to read usually by going on Christian Book Distributors and see what’s out. I like a couple different genres, historical fiction, amish fiction (obviously) and biography. l also am part of “bookmooch” a free book exchange website and will see what is new over there.
To get book suggestions, I read newsletters and social media comments from my favorite authors. 🙂 Thank you for your newsletters. I look forward to hearing from you.
Usually I will see a book online or in a magazine or someone will recommend a book to me. I just got The Twins Next Door and I can’t wait to read it.
Love your books & love the love inspired books, would love to win one of your books! Thanks for the chance!
I have always loved your books. Can’t wait to read your latest.
For the most part I stick to my favorite authors. I’m also a seasonal reader, so in the end I don’t fly through all the books written by a single author. Reading seasonally lets me stretch out the series I enjoy as I rotate through authors, and that, in turn, gives the authors a chance to come out with new books.
I tend to read every book by the authors I like. Also, I will read books by a new author that write the same kind/type of stories I like,.
Thanks for writing ✍️ love your books
I haven’t found a Vannetta book that I do not live! Keep writing I’ll keep reading.
I go to and see what looks good and then order them from my library. If the library doesn’t have it I ask my librarian to order a copy.
I have favorite authors that I look out for their books. A great cover can pull me in but if the story blurb doesn’t sound interesting I won’t buy it.
I love reading books about families and love inspired books….thanks for a chance to win….
I always try to read all of your books. I enjoy all of them especially the Amish fiction.
Usually, the cover is what draws me in. I will read the first few pages and then I’m hooked. Also, being familiar with the author will get my attention as well. I love when an author writes and I feel like I am part of the story. A character, if you will, looking from the outside in.
I look for my favorite authors plus I try to be on their websites to get their news. I am still trying to find your new book.
Love your books. Thanks for the chance to win some books!!
I usually search for books on Amazon, Goodreads and emails with book suggestions. Once I find something I read the book description and sometimes check the reviews.
Reading this book now😊
I find my books from learning new releases from favorite authors, Facebook, From Goodreads and Bookbub.
the back of the book. my favorite authors. recommendation on Facebook, emails, blogs and more. I love the love inspired books. Thanks for the chance.
I am friends with a lot of Christian authors on Facebook and that is where I get the names of their new books coming out now or in the future. I also check on the library listings of their new books and see if there are any new ones by “my authors.” I am blessed that my public library has so many Christian books.
I love this and I’m looking forward to more of them. Thank you for all you do for your readers
I follow most of my favorite authors (yours truly included) and then try to go buy what books they mention, plus I do explore amazon looking for new to me authors and buy their books! I love reading and esp Amish fiction! Thank you for your books you write and your giveaways.. Not sure I can enter being from Canada, but just happy to read your books 😊
I look for books by my favorite authors.
If it is by a new to me author and the cover as well as the blurb appeal to me I will do further research. I will check out excerpts and I will check out the look inside portion from Amazon. That gives me an idea if the writing style appeals to me before making a final decision.
I am picking up Learning to Blog for Dummies. I need to blog too. Then I can feature my favorite author books of which you are one. I love your books….so glad I get to know you…I have been reading your books since I first one all the way back in 2012. The more I read the more I want to read.
I am on several author mailing lists and they send me recommendations of their own books but also similar writers in the genre. Many of the books I am reading these days are books that are sent to me by publishers and authors….ARCs in return for an honest review. They do not coerce me in any way and I tend to only maintain contact with authors whose books I like or recommended to me by authors I like. I am on several street teams….both Amish fiction author teams and contemporary novelists. I have enjoyed reading books out of my comfort zone. Even when I read books that are not ARCs I always leave reviews on most of the main sites and am, I know it’s a slow process and I am procrastinating, going to be setting up a blog where I will focus all the authors who street teams I am part of, authors like you Vannetta who I am getting to know and I shall review each and every book I read there and will have an archives where I will collect together reviews of all books I have read and reviewed. I think it is wonderful that authors do these giveaways as it gives readers a good chance to interact and get to know their favorite writers.
I look for books from authors, like you, that I love their work and get their books! This is how I go about picking mine. However, I have come across books that have been included in emails from authors I subscribe to, that share other authors’ books.
My local library shares a list every month of new books in every category in their email that I subscribe to with all the descriptions of each book and I will pick books this way too, sometimes
I keep up with books written by my favorite authors. I also look into books and authors that they recommend. I still love going to the library, and I perusing through the shelves when I go there.
I initially choose a book by its cover (lol) and then I read the description of the book.
I love those stories!
I love to listen and participate when an author is interviewed and they show her book cover and when they start talking about what the book is about. I especially love it when they read a paragraph or so of the book. I also like to see the book cover first , I read the title and then I read the back of the book to see what the book is about. I love your book cover , it is such a sweet and touching cover! Your book sounds and looks like a Great read! Have a great weekend.
Find that these days I read books to fit challenge prompts or, I am on several street teams. My reviews are seen and then I have other authors if they may send an ARC for an honest review. I love being on the teams. I get a chance to.learn more about the author not.only as a writer but as a friend too.
I love your books. Each time I start one I know that it will be a good read. Thank you.