A Promise for Miriam

Release of A Promise for Miriam

It’s here! A Promise for Miriam is now available at Christian Book Distributors. CBD is who Christian publishers use to distribute books to Amazon, B&N and your local independent bookstores. Miriam should be at your local store a few weeks earlier than we thought. Yeah!

So what’s it about? You can read the blurb by clicking on any of those links. I want to tell you what was in my heart as I was writing.

When I went to Wisconsin I was charmed by the Amish community there. It was very different from the communities in Indiana, Ohio and PA that I had visited, but the people were the same–kind and friendly. Writing a story set in a one room schoolhouse tugged at my teacher’s heart. I kept asking, “How do they do that?” And I kept digging until I found the answers. This is a story about second chances and how God always has a better plan for us than we can possibly imagine.

Give-a-ways are fun (details on Saturday), but the reason most of us read Amish fiction is to relax and maybe … maybe we’d like to take a little of that story and put it in our lives. So I’m also going to be giving you downloadable files that suggest ways you can do so. Think of it as a part of my book, for free. Only it’s not fiction. It’s my ideas on ways we can apply the Amish life to our lives — in this case the Amish school setting, to our children’s education.

7 ways to simplify

Feel free to share this file with your friends and family. I hope it’s helpful.

And thank you, for being with me as we begin another journey, down the Amish path and through God’s grace.



P.S. – I’m signing books at the Abilene Quilt Show Friday and Saturday. If you’re in the area, please stop by!

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