Pull Quotes

I had so much fun going through the final edits of my May release, Veil of Destruction.

By the time I receive a book back from my editor and my proofreaders, it’s been several months since I finished writing it. I’ve usually written at least one other book in that time. So re-reading what has been edited and proofread is a special pleasure.

It’s like meeting old friends again.

As I was going back over this book, I couldn’t resist grabbing a couple of “Pull Quotes.” This is an old term from my magazine writing days. The editor would pick out a sentence or two and highlight it, put a box around it, make it stand out! I loved seeing those. I especially loved when what the editor picked matched what I thought was the key idea. So, below are a few pull quotes for you, from Veil of Destruction. I hope that you enjoy them.

If there was a way to find Paco and his family and bring them home . . .

Dylan would have traded anything in Akule’s pack for that.

He knew what it was like to have a broken, fragmented family. And he understood he couldn’t make her family whole again. No one could. She would always feel the loss of her mother.

But, maybe—just maybe, they could accomplish this one thing. They could bring Paco home.

They pawed through the boxes filled with things that no one needed—cell phone chargers, e-readers, DVDs, car fobs, remote-controlled toys, handheld gaming systems, headphones. All fragments of a life left behind.

It occurred to Keme, not for the first time, that this new world, this post-modern, apocalyptic place, would be the world that Pete and Danny and Lucy grew up in.

What was it his wife used to say? Normal is a setting on the dryer. His grandchildren would have a new normal. They would adapt because they wouldn’t remember what came before.

Wasn’t that fun? Anyone read magazines anymore? I’d love to hear what magazines you still read, or what magazines you used to read. Leave a comment below, and we’ll choose a few winners to receive an autographed book.


Comments 34

  1. Hi! I used to read Better Homes and Gardens. I have started reading them again via Hoopla! What an amazing app!

    1. I enjoy tea magazines. It’s fun learning about new teas and getting great recipes. I’m always ready for a tea party.

  2. Can’t wait for the opportunity to read “Veil of Destruction”! It sounds amazing!

    Loved the quote about the “fragments of a life left behind”. Reminds me of when I decide to do some de-cluttering and find some of those treasures that are useless, but we just can’t seem to toss. It’s a great way to take a walk down memory lane – where you were, what life was life and how we thought they were state of the art things at the time. But life goes on, but a walk down memory lane can be refreshing for the soul and make us take in the latest “new” gadget in a better perspective.

  3. I am looking forward to book 4 in the Indiana Amish Market. Love those Amish books set in Indiana, as we live in New Haven, Indiana, and can see where a lot of them you write about are.
    I am waiting to plant flowers outside, and reading books inside, really cool and wet here.
    Thank you for all your updates.

  4. I used to subscribe to Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, and Redbook. Then they tried to go digital and I didn’t get on board with that. When I do want a magazine, I have to swallow hard, ignore the price, tell myself I’m worth the splurge and go for it. There are times when my brain is so distracted that the magazine’s short article format is perfect.

    1. I don’t read magazines but my mom reads goodhouse keeping and dwell magazines and my brothers and dad read hunting magazines.

  5. I mainly read ebooks and some paperbacks these days. I just enjoy sitting outside in my yard. I live in a rural area, and it’s quiet, with deer coming out to graze in the field next to my house.

  6. Will be ordering print copy of Veil of Destruction. I have the first two but haven’t started reading them because I like to have the whole series before I start reading. I dislike waiting for the next book. Your books are all great. Love them.

  7. Good Morning. I only get a few magazines now. They are Good Old Days, TV Guide and Readers Digest. I used to take a bunch more but several stopped publishing this past year. I miss reading them.

  8. Loved reading your “pull quotes.” I don’t get any physical magazines now, but my friend gives me her People when she’s done. My husband reads Time and Consumer Reports online.

  9. Magazines have gotten so expensive now that I don’t buy them anymore. I have saved old quilting magazines and I still read those. Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. I read so many books I don’t have time to read magazines (except in doctor’s offices). Your Amish books are my favorites that you write.

  10. Yes, I still read magazines. Usually, People or Good Housekeeping. Used to read Family Circle and Woman’s Day back in the day. Very selective on what ones I buy now due to their price. When I get a magazine, I share it with my neighbor.

  11. I use to receive these magazines in the mail before they just got too high in price: Parents, Family Fun, Woman’s Day, Family Circle, and Taste of Home. Now when I want to read a certain magazine, I just get it through my local library in the digital format.

    1. Post
  12. I don’t remember the last time I looked at a magazine, probab;y pre-covid at the dentist ir doctor’s office! I love your Amish books.

  13. I used to read a lot of magazines until they got so expensive but were mainly advertisements.

  14. Dear Vanetta, I would love to win one of your Amish books or any of them for that matter!! Reader Ruth in Clearwater, FL

  15. Yes I do still subscribe to magazines. I think MaryJane’s Farm and Good Housekeeping are my favorites.

  16. I always liked to read magazine’s and get the recipes from them I would love to read your new Amish book

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