amish fiction
May 30, 2014

Knitting and the Amish

Amish Crafts–Yarn I’m sometimes asked if the Amish knit and crochet. The answer is yes! The Amish do knit and crochet. It’s not uncommon to see women working on a project as they sit in a booth at a produce stand or while waiting at an auction. They’re likely to make things such as socks,... read more
May 16, 2014

Amish Crafts – Quilting

Quilting, An Amish Craft For the month of May we’re going to focus on Amish crafts. This will be a lot of fun, as I know that many of you are “crafty” too. If you’re not, this might be a good chance to start – OR, you could just enjoy the pretty pictures. The Amish are well-known for their quilting.... read more
April 12, 2014

Family Roles

Amish Beliefs, Part 2 Last week we talked about Amish beliefs in relation to specific spiritual teachings. Today I thought we’d talk about the role of family members. Remember, the comments below are what I have observed, but each community is... read more
April 5, 2014

What Amish Believe

Amish Beliefs, Part 1 For the month of April we’re going to talk about what, exactly, the Amish believe. DISCLAIMER: What I share is true for the Amish I have personally met, but of course beliefs vary somewhat from district to district. Please keep this in mind. If you’ve experienced something different, we... read more
March 15, 2014

An Amish Garden

New Release – An Amish Garden I’m so excited to share my newest release with you. An Amish Garden is arriving at your local store this week, and it will officially ship from Amazon, B&N, and CBD on Tuesday, March 18th. This was my first novella collection to participate in, and I enjoyed it very much. What an honor to... read more
February 21, 2014

More FAQ About the Amish

FAQ About the Amish, Part 2 Last week I shared some of the most frequent questions I hear regarding this Amish. I have a few more that I’d like to share today. Remember, these answers are based on my experience–yours might be different as practices differ between communities. Is it true that the Amish only study and teach certain parts... read more
February 14, 2014

Questions About the Amish

Frequently Asked Questions About the Amish We have been focusing on the background of the Amish this month and general information about them. I thought that this week and next week, I’d answer some FAQ. Remember, these answers are based on my experience–yours might be different and certainly some of what you read will come from a different perspective. Do... read more
February 7, 2014

History of the Amish, part 2

Amish, Children, and Education Last week we talked about some of the common history that Amish share with Anabaptists, Mennonites and Hutterites. Today we’re going to talk about Amish children. I’m including items I’ve learned from research, speaking with Amish families, and visiting Amish communities. Please... read more
January 31, 2014

History of the Amish

Amish, Mennonites and Hutterites–A Shared History Today we’re going to talk about the history of the Amish. Some of you know these things already, and I imagine that some of you know more on the subject than I do. Sometimes living in an area where the Amish reside helps you understand a... read more
December 7, 2013

Amish Christmas

All Things Amish – Amish Christmas I have 8 Amish books out at this point – and 8 more contracted to release over the next 3 years. Two of those books are about Christmas – specifically how the Amish celebrate Christmas, and how they deal with the normal ups and downs of life during this holiday season. You could say... read more