February 14, 2014

Questions About the Amish

Frequently Asked Questions About the Amish We have been focusing on the background of the Amish this month and general information about them. I thought that this week and next week, I’d answer some FAQ. Remember, these answers are based on my experience–yours might be different and certainly some of what you read will come from a different perspective. Do... read more
February 7, 2014

History of the Amish, part 2

Amish, Children, and Education Last week we talked about some of the common history that Amish share with Anabaptists, Mennonites and Hutterites. Today we’re going to talk about Amish children. I’m including items I’ve learned from research, speaking with Amish families, and visiting Amish communities. Please... read more
March 30, 2013

Easter and Amish Hymns

Amish Hymns and Easter Celebrations I thought I’d share with you a hymn from an Amish hymnal I picked up while in Wisconsin. It’s not like the hymnals at my church. It’s a little stapled together 50 page thing. The cover says, “Ninety-eight Selection Songs, Addition to Church and Sunday School Hymnals.” The Amish don’t have instruments in their church... read more
March 12, 2010


We recently had a NEEDLEWORK FESTIVAL in my little town, and of course I had to stop by. Immediately it started me thinking of my Amish friends, of my manuscript, of how some things bind us together across the miles and generations. I believe quilting is one of them. Of course I have quilts made by my mother, my grandmother... read more